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Started building a new PC

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Little update on the motherboard.
The mobo was indeed dead on arrival and had to have it replaced.
Sent it in last week and the company got it this week.
Sadly, the stocks of the one I had ordered were empty so I got refunded the mobo and bought a new one for the same price.
The Z97X-GAMING 5 board.



It should be shipping today and should arrive early next week.






The bonus in all of this is that the board seems to be a newer model and now fits the rest of the color scheme I had going in my PC.

so yay me.

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Nothing more frustrating than DOA parts, but it's just the nature of building computers.  There was a time where I swear I always got at least one dead thing every time.  I've been pretty lucky lately.  Then again, I haven't build a full PC in a long time now.




I'm getting my new mobo today and hopefully everything is going to work properly.


I also went ahead and placed a reservation for a 240gb hyperX SSD




Should have everything set up today.

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Glad you got the mobo issue resolved. That new board is great, especially with the M.2 capabilities. Post pictures of the build if you can :D



Hopefully I'll have everything done after work and as mentioned before, my color scheme now matches in black & red.

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So here's an other bloody update.


The damn thing still doesn't work.

This time I took it to a shop to have everything checked. With a quick glance, he seems to think the problem is the ram. Possible static discharge at some point causing it to malfunction.




I'm getting really pissed with this thing.

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Okay, good. Did the bolts come with insulator disks to put between the case and mobo?



Little correction.


Before I left for work, I checked the case a little bit better.

The case did come with spacers pre-installed and I don,t recall any spacers.

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Probably brass I am guessing and that should be totally fine.


Sucks that you're not able to enjoy your new build. Hope you get it straightened out as quickly as possible.



Left the setup at a shop yesterday and should know what,s wrong today.

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Yeah and here's an other update.



got my RMA number to return the RAM. That pair is dealt with.


Now the shop guy I left my board at had some other equivalent RAM for about the same price so I called him today about it and asked him if he could install them and make sure they work. Thing he did.

So today, when I get home from work, all I have to do is pick up the setup at the shop, plug in the GFX card, power supply and various tower cables, screw the hole thing in and close it.




So if I'm lucky, everything is over tonight..







3rd time's the charm?

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Decided to change my mouse and keyboard setup as I'll be lending my old set to my sister.


Went with the mad catz rat7 mouse



and the corsair k70 mechanical keyboard.





had to mouse for 2 days and I'm liking it so far.

Love being able to adjust it how I like it.

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