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Borderlands 2: Digistruct Peak / Aug 29 Patch


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Hey all,


Seeing if there are any other Borderland-ers around, wondering about thoughts/hopes/expectations for the DLC upcoming on Tuesday, September 3. Also would like to know if anyone is experiencing issues with the August 29th Patch.


Digistruct Peak, an arena style DLC hosted by Patricia Tannis, will be increasing the level cap to 72 (from 61 prior), as well as including the ability to "overlevel" your game to Level 80 (Skill Tree progression stops at 72). In addition to the ability to farm and utilize "overleveled" level 80 weapons, there are also introducing new weapons and class mods as well.


The August 29th patch fixed a number of issues in the game, but broke Zer0's Kunai skill and death mark, and failed to introduce the announced Eridium cap increase of 999.

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So for those who have it now and have played through a few levels, I'd love to hear impressions/thoughts/feedback.


Also some more technical info about the stuff Gearbox broke with this latest increase (seems like every patch, something has gone horribly wrong):

- OP8 Krieg's Silence the Voices will take away 90% roughly of Krieg's health when he smacks himself in the face.

- The Hoplite shield reduces so much Max Health at OP8 that no character can wear an OP8 version without having Max Health at zero.

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I've recently picked BL2 up again and completed I'd say 80% of the ultimate vault hunter mode. "main story is complete but I have a good 30ish quests in my list to do"

I started that mode at level 51 and I'm currently sitting at 64. 


I haven't noticed any bugs really and I'll be doing the 2 DLC i have afterwards.....

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I just wana say I dropped a lelve 70 Bee shield from the giant walking trees form Tina's DLC and compared to my level 61 I had.... wowz... It litteraly triples every stat the lower one had, recharge delay excluded.


97k shield to near 400k?.. YES PLEASE

179k amp dmg to 500k?.. YES YES AND YES AGAIN

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