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Post your league of legends stuff in here!


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It can be your summoner name, random troll things, what type of player you are in league, stuff to brag, anything related to league!! Post as much as you want!


I shall start first.


My summoner name is evilpandaknight (click here for my stats http://quickfind.kassad.in/profile/na/evilpandaknight/


Im currently slowly going up gold ladder casually by playing maybe a game a day. I've played since this game was launched back in October 2009, making my experience 3 years old :) I have about 3500 games and up played in league. 


I love to do things my way, like AP GP or jungle ashe because i think its fun! 


The one thing i could brag about in league of legends is when i did ObB3mnS.jpg




Feel free to add me and we could play a game or two :)

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Why do you only like playing female champs? Boobs arent that op like people make them to be, you need to remember about those man abs. Sexy sexy man abs.



Beats me....


I'm like that in any game I play.

I prefer looking at female ass instead of male ones xD

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My summoner name is Taters. I'm currently ranked Gold III. Was Gold II but I dropped before they fixed the bullshit league drop rates. Anywaaaaaaaaaay, been playing for about 4 years now. Was in the end of the closed beta and then played all through open beta. 


I main AD Carry and I'm pretty beastly. My bragging comes from my ranked stats from all 3 seasons. Check this shit out.


My season 1 Caitlyn stats: 



My season 2 AD carry stats:



Also, so far this season I have 2 pentakills with AD carries in ranked games. One last season. In total I have two with Graves and one with Caitlyn. 


I love this game. 

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I question how the heck do you get good supports, when ever i rank, bot just gets wrecked hard and its up to the jungle top and middle to get us back in the game. 


Glad to see a long time player like me.


Remember when this game use to not have trolls and it was actually fun to do what you wanted without trolls? haha

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I usually play normals to chill with friends and have a bit fun, ranks if you want to have a little competition :b


Do you guys usually skype with friends when you play?


And id love to hear which lane you play the most and why you love that lane and which champ is the most fun. 


One more thing, you guys want me to make a list of league players in gamercide and have it at the first post.

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I question how the heck do you get good supports, when ever i rank, bot just gets wrecked hard and its up to the jungle top and middle to get us back in the game. 


Glad to see a long time player like me.


Remember when this game use to not have trolls and it was actually fun to do what you wanted without trolls? haha


You don't need good supports if you carry them. ;) I just farm all day. Caitlyn has excellent range (what is it? 650 I believe?) and outranges everyone except for late game Kog' Maw and Tristana. Farm and poke is super easy. 


And now AD carrying is easier than ever. You build Blade of the Ruined King and win game. 


Obviously my main preference is bot lane with AD carries but I also main support and jungle. 


MY favorite 5 champions have to be:


1. Caitlyn - Dat range, dat poke, dat skillset, dat ass. 

2. Graves - The absolute opposite of Caitlyn as far as playstyle goes. You hit level 2, Quickdraw at them and Buckshot their face off. Super aggressive, super tanky for an AD. So much fun. 

3. Jarvan IV - DEMACIA MUTHAFUCKA. No but for real, just the amount of great CC he has along with his ability to jump onto carries makes him so fun to play out of the jungle. 

4. Taric - I mean, just look at how fabulous this guy looks. Plop on that Armor of the Fifth Age skin and no bitch will mess with you in lane. 

5. Orianna - Most fun and skill-based mid champion in my opinion. She has so much more utility than any other mid champ with her low cooldown shield, speed up, and displacement ulti. 

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Man, you guys make this game sound so easy xD 


Everytime i play its like herp derp city. Thats why i mainly stick to jungling for me. Ganks every minute yo!!!


Still, i believe in the concept of, your only as good as your adc, and vise versa with your only as good as your support. This is from my perspective cause i get bored if i farm all day and we dont at least attempt to get them kills.


Anyways a reminder, should i put up a list of our summoner names on the first post? So you can see who on gamercide plays them league

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I got frustrated and decided to play on my buddy's alternate account which I'm using as a smurf account for me. 


It's hovering in Silver 3 right now. I am very proud of this. 



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