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Shopping for a laptop or PC


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My son's dinosaur of a laptop finally gave it up. We want to get him at least a half way decent new one for Christmas. I'm on a $300 - $400 budget...with a strong preference toward leaning to the $300 side. I do know ima have to pony up some cash for something more than mediocre, so if $400 is the number that works, then that's what I'll have to do.

There's a Best Buy right down the road from my house, so I checked out what deals they have right now. I found a few in my range here.

I haven't bought a lappy for a while, and I've never owned a pc, so any help or advice would be much appreciated. :)

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None of those are bad they are the lower level CPUs but if hes not doing any hardcore gaming or apps you should be fine. You might want to check to see if the RAM can be expanded cause more memory always helps, but you wouldnt have to get it right away.

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In that price range go with pentium i3 if you can.

I'm pretty sure what you're suggesting is a processor? Was that in any of the ones from my link? Can I save a little by getting a desktop? Who the hell are Lenovo and Asus? Are they any good?

It doesn't HAVE to be a laptop, but I would have to factor in a desk or stand if I do get a desktop. Again, I know very little about purchasing pc's, and I know even less about building them or their components. I've bought 3 duds in the past. The one I'm using right now is the first one I actually like.

*Edit: Deuce, he won't be running any hardcore apps or doing any serious gaming on it. Mostly youtube, Facebook, homework...nothing really taxing. That one Lenovo is in my price range, but I've never heard of them.

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Yeah. I meant processor. I believe one of the ones you listed had an i3. If you go laptop ten I suggest just reading reviews. People trash talk different manufacturers as bad as they do cars and consoles.

So it's best to look up reviews and see if many reported failures etc. Though for what you want it for just about any of those would do just fine.

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Another thing to consider is what screen size do you want? IMO there is a big difference between a 15" and 17" lappy.

Size isn't a huge factor. I just want something new, reliable and that will last a little while. I'm really considering a desktop. If I recall, you can get more for your bang by getting a desktop. If I can score something decent for three hundo, I'll find a way to get a desk. Even if I build one outta the cardboard boxes left over from Christmas day. :P

Thing is, I've never owned one, and have no clue what's good or what to avoid. I know I can look up reviews and ask the Geek squad what they recommend, but I know there are a lot of folks here with experience in building and buying desktops. That's why I made this post here. I'd trust one of you guys waaaayyy before trusting a salesman or a review. If no one has any suggestions, then I'll do the former.

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If you want a prebuilt desktop I will look into for you and see if I can find any good deals floating around for that price.

Thanks Dat. I suppose it could make for an interesting project for me and the boy to try to build one. I know that would be the best way to go, but I've never attempted a build before. I'd prolly have a thirty page thread here before it was all said and done. :blink:

@Chris: I knew that would get a reply! :P

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This laptop is on the high end of what you want to pay and only after a 50 dollar rebate, but has some great specs for the price.

Just got an email about it and thought I'd share.


I'll keep lookin though.

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you can build a badass tower for 3 hundred. my buddy did it. don't ask me how though. but if you build it, the monitor and whatnot will cost on top of that. go get a pc in a box from some store, asus is fine, it's a little lame, but it's a new pc for a kid.

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Alright guys. Based on some of your feedback, I went ahead and got him this. Just got back from the store. It looks like a solid little lappy, and should easily be able to handle anything my son will be doing with it. Plus coming in under budget means it won't be the only thing under the tree for him. :yahoo:

Dat, I took a good look at what you posted, but decided that coming in under budget trumped an upgraded processor. I really appreciate you taking the time to look it up though.

Thanks guys!

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