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Terraria and Minecraft giveaway courtesy of PipMagnet


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This Friday, on the Gamercide channel, PipMagnet (AKA Altf4_toexit) will be giving away a few copies of Terraria and one copy of Minecraft. Both games are for PC.

The broadcast will start around 3 AM EST this coming Friday. This is for all those folks that miss giveaways while they're at work.

Tell your friends and invite everyone you know!




Also, if you already own Terraria, we'll be broadcasting an open game hosted by PipMagnet. Come join the stream and the game!

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With just a little under six hours to go until the giveaway starts, I would like to point out one more very good reason for everybody to come and watch the festivities.

It is with great reluctance that I must publicly acknowledge the fact that the esteemed Mister PeeKnuckle has some strange aversion to playing Terraria. Despite owning the game, he has steadfastly refused to play it for more than a total of five minutes. Seeing as how --in a similar amount of time-- I have managed to play the game for a total time exceeding three hundred hours, I find this odd. As a direct result of the recalcitrant Mister PeeKnuckle ignoring my pleas to give this wonderful game the chance it deserves; I believe it is time for us, as a community, to come together in the most noble of pursuits. We must shame the reluctant Mister PeeKnuckle until he casts aside his strange aversion, and begins to play Terraria in all its glory!

Yes, I do believe that a good old fashioned public shaming is just what the inimitable Mister PeeKnuckle needs. So please join us later tonight/Friday morning as we share the wonders of Terraria with all of you, and give the rapscallion Mister PeeKnuckle just what he deserves! With enough of your support, we can overcome the challenge, and convince the esteemed Mister PeeKnuckle to join us in playing Terraria!

- AltF4_ToExit

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