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green grenades

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I tried out the beta last month and it was too frustrating. Never could find anyone to party up with (always put me with the one same guy who was afk), and my opponents always had whatever high level guns and crap when I had just started, sniping from roofs and ledges and hiding when they take some damage.

It was just horribly imbalanced imo. I still have it installed so I might give it another try later on if it doesn't take too much to update the beta to the full version.

I did like the idea of it, just not the way it worked. Cool how it was a GTA like MMO where you could drive around and the cars actually had physics.

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grouping works great now, i'm usually already in a group before i'm fully loaded into the map. i haven't had one problem finding a group yet. hell and the groups i have been with i haven't had to do anything just tag along. fighting hasn't been that bad either, i went on a 5 kill streak with the starter weapons against top players, i think they may have evened the weapons out maybe. i couldn't really say since i didn't play before. i know they are constantly working out bugs atm. but i have yet to run into one.

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