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so two weeks ago we started working on the drakes from icc. we went in and were doing the achievements for the bosses, so things like full house, flu shot shortage etc. we cleared all they way up to the lk and failed his achievement. which kinda sucked because we didnt know we did until after we downed him. so we move on and say we'll get it next week. next week comes around and we go in and start clearing everything on heroic. now by this point 8/10 members only needed the lk achievement for their drakes. while me and kilgore needed the professor, the prince fight, and all of the frost wing. we kill the professor easily enough and move on to the blood wing. we wipe twice to the blood princes (once being my fault and the second i dont know what happened) and the gm says "last attempt on these guys".... " i want my drake" that right there pissed me off, thankfully though we killed the princes that attempt and moved on. finished off the wing and on to the frost wing. we do dream walker on heroic and then the gm starts going on about how we arent gonna do heroic sindy, because he doesnt want to wipe for the next hour and not get the lk achieve tonight. and "we cant raid thursday cause im not gonna be able to make it" (<---- gms words). i start argueing with him about it as we are clearing trash. we get to sindy pull the whelps and then he puts it on reg. so i say "not even going to attempt in once?" and i got the blah blah blah rng bullshit spiel. we argued over it more and pulled the first drake. then they pull they second one to engage sindy. well by this point i was more than pissed off, so i dropped vent, raid, and hearthed out. before i could make it through the load screen i was kicked lol.

ps why would you buy an authenticator?

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there are two ground mount in all of wow that i really really want. the kodo (the one i just got tonight) and the armani war bear which is no longer obtainable. and the kodo you only have a chance at getting 2 weeks out of the entire year, one shot per day out of those two weeks. so im happy now :) your gamercard, was merely just getting in the way of my awesome picture

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