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Dragon Age Locking Up


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Dragon Age Origins - Ultimate Edition on my PC will lock up after about an hour of gameplay and windows will alert that the program has stopped working and needs to close. I have tried to find and answer on google, but not much has helped me. Anyone have any ideas why this could be happening? Not a huge issue, but kind of annoying.

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My guess is that it is some sort of cache/resource issue. This is common with quite a few games on Xbox also (like Mass Effect 2, Supreme Commander and a few others). Some people's workarounds basically are just "save and then restart the game after an hour or so", which is kind of a sh*tty workaround if you ask me but it seems to work.

I dunno, might not be your problem, but it seems that a LOT of games now have cache/resource issues.

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I can't remember what some of the issues causing this were. I'd have to look up my old posts on the DAO forums. I can look or you could peruse through. If I recall correctly there was something causing the issue that had some solutions.

You have quite a few posts. Something in particular that I should search for?


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