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Ok guys, I'm not sure how much information I'll be able to give on my part but I'm asking you guys for major help in a custom pc build. I'm wanting a computer that will run Gears of War PC at maximum settings.

Price range is $600-650. Online sites are acceptable as well.

Make me a build and lets go from there. <3?

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If so this, would be a good way to start, maybe add a video card here, but I'm no expert... I'm not even 100% positive the desktop has the required 16 PCI Express. I know you wanted a home build, but in my experience it's harder to get a build to do what you want in that price range than to use a pre-built with a video card.

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I'll look into it some more when I have time later today, but I can tell you right off the bat that the video card in that machine won't cut it at all. You'll have to upgrade if you really want to game. Take a look at this:


The Entry-Level rig is right around your price range. Plus it can be tweaked a little either way.

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