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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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So, I'm sure there was a thread about this on the ATC already, but there isn't one here, so here ya go.

Recently got this game and loving every minute of it. In my opinion, FAR better then MW2.

There's this sense of accomplishment when you do something right in this game, it's so satisfying. I can't explain the amount of times where the squad I was in (usually with Sajam, Brad, and Putty) go all sneaky sneak, go around the enemy, and appear from the back and just wreck ****. It's ridiculously fun. I love the gun mechanics as well, sometimes the gun will stray off if you are shooting and moving, but that's how it's supposed to be. Plus, gravity drop on bullets is BAD ***.

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I love the game, though the M60 does get on my nerves every so often(seriously, its a 1 hit kill to the head, and the recoil isn't nearly as bad as the other LMGs), and yesterday I kept getting into games with dbags on my time blowing up our own crates when defending.

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LOL, yeah, M60 is pretty crazy. I have all of the upgrades for Assault and Medic, I just need to get them for Engineer and Recon now. I hate the Sub Machine guns on Engineer, so I just use the M14, I actually love that gun, and it works really well.

Pan, I was going to invite you yesterday but as soon as I went to your name, you weren't playing Battlefield, lol. If you want to play today, we totally can. No Dbags allowed, lol.

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I LOVE the Engineer class, the XM8C is insanely good, but I usually go with the Uzi. Love taking down blackhawks with the tracer and RPG7(does more damage to vehicles to the Carl G). F*** the Hind on Isla Inocentes though, thats nearly impossible to hit with a rocket if the pilot is even half decent.

Dunno, might have just got off, but at one point my game did decide to do that annoying boot to dashboard bug <_<

Dunno if I will get on today, not much homework but im sick so don't feel like doing much.

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Bobby Lite (Sajamam you know who it is!) and I are the most ridiculous helicopter duo in the game. Not to brag, but piloting is what I do best in that game and Bobby Lite is an amazing gunner. Best game was 64-1 while I was piloting and 54-2 when he was piloting.

Oh, and I have a little C4 secret, but I'm not sharing it unless you're in my squad.

Tighty, Wang Bang China Gang will be back in business soon!

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Bobby Lite (Sajamam you know who it is!) and I are the most ridiculous helicopter duo in the game. Not to brag, but piloting is what I do best in that game and Bobby Lite is an amazing gunner. Best game was 64-1 while I was piloting and 54-2 when he was piloting.

Oh, and I have a little C4 secret, but I'm not sharing it unless you're in my squad.

Tighty, Wang Bang China Gang will be back in business soon!

Bobby Lite treats you right?

He removed me forever ago lol. Battlefield is seriously badass though. I am usually always in the tank. If I'm in the tank then it's death to the other team. Really fun game and fun to get away from MW2 for a while as well.

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I do like the sniping in this game, but more often then not there are to many snipers on the team and not enough people attacking the crates. Then on defense I usually stick to Engineer since people don't really seem to try to take out choppers that much(sometimes do, but there have been times when i've traced a helo while as assault, and it never got shot down. Well, for every map except that damned Nelson Bay map, that's just Assault on attackers and medic on defense.

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Just got the G3, gun is pretty cool. M14 is really cool too. Think I'm gonna stop using it and use the G3 from now on though. The rate of fire is for some reason lower than the M14, even though the M14 is semi automatic single shot, while the G3 is Fully Automatic.

Was doing pretty damn good earlier today, really want to stop using the Engineer class though, must get all of the upgrades for it though!

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I really love this game! The campaign was so fun but the online is like no other. The maps are decent size with vehicles. I am surprised how fun each one of the individual classes are. When I started I was all about assault and got everything for it. I wish I would of played medic sooner though because that is my favorite now! This game rocks with 3 other friends all a different class.

Just last night a person from another friendly squad died right in front of me. I killed his attacker and I rezzed him up but died in the process from another attacker. He killed my attacker, picked up my kit off the ground, rezzed me and off we went lol. So fun!

Too bad we could not talk about though since he was in another squad. That is my only complaint with the game, can't talk to other squads.

This game is far better than MW2 in my opinion. To be quite honest I did not enjoy MW2 all that much for many reasons but I will save that for MW2 topic :)

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Bobby Lite (Sajamam you know who it is!) and I are the most ridiculous helicopter duo in the game. Not to brag, but piloting is what I do best in that game and Bobby Lite is an amazing gunner. Best game was 64-1 while I was piloting and 54-2 when he was piloting.

Oh, and I have a little C4 secret, but I'm not sharing it unless you're in my squad.

Tighty, Wang Bang China Gang will be back in business soon!

C4 secret? Your are attaching it to a certain moving object aren't you.....

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C4 secret? Your are attaching it to a certain moving object aren't you.....

Negative, no ATVs, helicopters, UAVs, tanks, etc. involved with my C4 tactics. It just involves blowing both MCOM stations up at the same time with some good ole' explosive magic.

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