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D.C., Cannabis and Congress

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Cannabis officially became legal last week in Alaska and Washington, D.C. Despite warnings from the prohibitionists, the sky didn't fall in either place, but some extreme members of Congress wouldn't let it go.

They warned the mayor of D.C. with jail time for going ahead with legalization — a disgrace when you consider that it won 70 percent of the vote in November. The D.C. police chief told them to chill out saying, “marijuana smokers are not going to attack and kill a cop...they just want to get a bag of chips and relax. Alcohol is a much bigger problem.”


While I applaud the mayor and police chief of D.C., that underlined segment above really irked the shit out of me. Yeah, it's kind of true. However, it's also the reason why cannabis was the drug choice in the war against drugs. Cops know if they raid a house where cannabis is being sold or used, there's typically not going to be a high risk of danger to the cops. It's things like that, that kept it illegal for so long. It was a cash crop to those who sold it. and to those who enforced the stupid law against it.


Just wanted to share that. Now that cannabis is mostly legal in some form across our nation, we're starting to see police officers speak about how much they disliked the war against drugs. With many saying it was difficult knowing they were putting away someone for life, for a non-violent offense, thanks to our three strikes law. No possibility for parole. You are basically given the death penalty, with the added bonus of living out your years in a prison.


Because it was easy to arrest the offenders, and your police units got fancy new toys to play with and all the money you needed to make it all happen.



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