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This is horrifying on many levels. Baby taken from womb by the UK Government.


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I'm sure there is more to the story, but this is still terrifying in so many ways.  I'll keep it short, but you can check out the full story at the link below.


Italian woman travels to the UK.  Has a "panic attack" while there and is institutionalized for her bi-polar disorder.


While institutionalized she is drugged up by the government severely and kept sedated for over a month in a psych ward.  Government hears appeal case from social workers and then even more nightmares happen. 


They whisk her away to a hospital, forcibly give the woman a C section, then send her back to the psych ward for another five weeks under heavy sedation.  When she finally comes to and learns about what happened the government would not let her see her baby nor have any contact or take her home.


The woman eventually is returned to Italy, without child.  The government is currently attempting to place the baby up for adoption with a UK family.


Also, the woman's American husband whom she is seperated with has offered to home the child with him and has also been denied custody as adoption is pending.


I don't even know what to say about this honestly.  I'm beyond words.



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Not only that though, but she wasn't even a citizen of the country!!!  She was from Italy, travelled to the UK, got thrown in a psych hospital while there against her will and imprisoned for months, drugged, forced surgery/labor, and then had her child stolen from her?


It's crazy man!

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