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iPhone 4


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Got my hands on this the day it launch, stood in line for 9 hours at an AT&T store. 16GB black. Worth every dime I invested into buying it and waiting for it through the rain.

Maybe, I'll get some pictures up of it if I can ever find my damn memory card for my camera. Until then for those who were thinking about it and are scared about the issues plaguing the phone. Nothing on my end to report.

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Just be careful not to "hold it the wrong way".

*tries incredibly hard not to laugh*


I'm SORRY, but that is the most bullcrap excuse I've EVER heard. How are you supposed to hold the phone? Velcro it to your head? Even in all their very own corporate marketing ads and videos, as you can see above, THEY'RE HOLDING IT WRONG..... supposedly.....

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I'm wondering about this "holding it wrong" thing .. first off I wont say it wont happen, but I don't how BS it is. The only place I've heard about it are from the guys at Gizmodo (but I don't really check too many other tech blogs)

Leo Laporte and his crew at "Mac Break Weekly" never mentioned it during their review, and when I watched the pod cast on Attack of the Show said they managed to kill the signal by holding it in whatever way but it took almost an hour to figure that out and was the most unnatural hand configuration they could come up with. I'm going to track down Stephen Fry's blog and see if he's reviewed it yet but honestly I think this whole holding the antenna wrong is crap.

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Actually one theory I've heard which would back up the Stephen Fry thing, is that it depends on the Cell networks infrastructure. More people in UK, Germany and France are not experiencing the problem compared to the US.

Although I'll admit that after laying down around €600 for a phone I should be able to hold the damn thing any way I want.

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I really haven't seen anything un-normal about my reception or signal loss since making the switch from 3G to 4. The big thing I was worried about was the yellow/brown spots appearing on your screen, basically saying to me that it wasn't a polished device.

One thing I took into consideration is that these most of been pushed out of the manufacturing place very quickly because they are saying the issue will fix itself once the screen has time to "adjust."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really haven't seen anything un-normal about my reception or signal loss since making the switch from 3G to 4. The big thing I was worried about was the yellow/brown spots appearing on your screen, basically saying to me that it wasn't a polished device.

One thing I took into consideration is that these most of been pushed out of the manufacturing place very quickly because they are saying the issue will fix itself once the screen has time to "adjust."

Yeah, mine had those yellowish spots at first and had me worried, but it went away completely after about 3 days. I heard it was just the glue used didn't have time to evaporate before it was shipped. Just having the screen on for a little while helps the evaporation and clears it right up.

It's funny, 'cause the 3g, I waited in line for. This one I just ordered on the website and had it shipped to me. I actually had to preorder a day late, so I didn't get mine until July 6th, but avoiding standing in line for 12 hours was way worth it. The excitement of a launch event is kind of neat, but I'm pretty much over it after an hour of standing around and staring at the back of the guy's head in front of me.

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