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Well, she's a homing pigeon which means she's SUPPOSED to come back. She's been in the cage for about a week and a half now. If she knows that this is the place where she gets food and water, she'll instinctively come back after a while, but you're supposed to start when the bird is just hatched.

I'm gonna take an awesome video of me releasing the bird into the air to some music. Possibly some 'I Want to Break Free.' I will also post that here.

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LG, the first release is just going to be from across my yard. I was talking to a friend of my grandfather who raised homing pigeons. He said you start off like 200 or 300 feet away and it should fly back to the cage since that's where it knows where the food and water is.

I was supposed to release it this past Saturday but my buddy who was going to take pictures and record it was busy. If I could record it and get pictures AND release her, I totally would. As of now, it'll probably happen Sunday or Monday.


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