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Sony closes Psygnosis - I quietly weep


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It recently came to my attention that Sony recently shut down Psygnosis studios (which was currently known as Sony Liverpool).

This REALLY gives me a huge case of teh sads. So many games from my past (many of which a bunch of you young-ins have probably never even heard of) came out of this place. They had been making games for almost thirty years now.

They were also responsible for creating one of the HARDEST games I've ever played.


Shadow of the Beast. More specifically the NA Genesis version. (due to some sort of issues with the normal refresh rates of televisions between Europe and NA, the NA version ran almost 17% FASTER than normal. Combine that with NO continues and a hard difficulty to begin with makes it recognizably one of the hardest Genesis games).

Other games I have fond memories of that they created....




Colony Wars

Destruction Derby 1 & 2


The whole Wipeout series

Sad times indeed. *sighs* Good memories though.

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