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Arizona Bill Says Pregnancy Begins During Last Menstrual Period Before Conception

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A new bill up for a vote in Arizona could mandate that pregnancy be considered to have started up to two weeks before conception may have actually occurred.

The nuance was introduced on the eighth page of H.B. 2036, a piece of legislation that seeks to modify the amount of time a woman has to legally get an abortion by using the woman’s last menstrual cycle as a means of defining the beginning of what is being called the “gestational age.”

WTF ARIZONA? Get angry: here

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well.....wow. i have mixed feelings on this. i don't care what people do, i really don't. stab a three week old with a coat hanger and call it even for all i care. not my problem. i REALLY think what az is dong is throwing as many middle fingers at the current administration as possible, though...so i applaud it. they want these issues in the supreme court, and so do i. good for brewer, good for az. that being said, anyone who actually wants this law is deluded and can blow me.

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