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Xenoblade Chronicles - US RELEASE TOMORROW!


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It's an RPG that was only released in Japan and after awhile was released in Europe. There was super outcry to bring it to NA, along with another supposedly excellent RPG called "The Last Story" and "Pandora's Tower".

A bunch of people started "Operation Rainfall" to attempt to persuade Nintendo. So yeah, I guess it worked. lol

I'm going to go pick it up today. All the gameplay vids and stuff make it look excellent. :)

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Well, my Wii has not been liking this game. I also got Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the wife and that won't work either. Strangely EVERY other game we have recognizes and boots up right away.

I ordered the official Nintendo Lens Cleaner kit over the weekend and it arrived today. Supposedly according to a bunch of stuff I read that should fix the issue (since it is a launch console and it's never been cleaned). If not, it's off to Nintendo for a fix and hopefully no loss of save data (which the wife would kill me for.... considering she has like 800+ some hours on her Monster Hunter character and there is no way to back it up without hacking the console *sad face*)

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Ok, the lens cleaner didn't work. Every single game works in the system except Xenoblade and SSBB. Google searching and Nintendo's site tells me it's because these discs are "dual layer data" and older/dirty lasers have trouble or won't read them.

Fuuuuuu, I have to send in the console. It's out of warranty, but at least Ninty will repair it for free since it's a known issue.

And no Dat, you can't back up the data. It's saved directly to the console itself. No memory cards, non-removable hard drive.

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Wow, really quick turnaround. Mailed it on Monday, and I just got the tracking info and it's out for delivery back to me today. I spoke with the repair center yesterday and all they did was put in a whole new disc drive so I shouldn't lose any save info which is good.

Now I can play Xenoblade this weekend. :dance:

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