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Blade Runner - Prequel/sequel?


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Uh oh. This could be incredibly awesome or incredibly bad. I'm sketchy on this at best considering that Blade Runner is one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time. Granted I enjoyed the novel it's based on much better, Philip. K. D.ick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", but the movie was still amazing. Everything from the scenery, the soundtrack (VANGELIS!!!!!!!!), to the implications of reality, the movie just sucked me in.

So now they are announcing that the rights to the movie have been bought up. This scares me! What might NOT scare me is if they actually get Christopher Nolan to direct the movie (like they are wishing for). That "could" turn out well. He's no Ridley Scott, but he's a damn good director (proven to me by the Batman films/Inception)

Check out the interview at the following link:


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