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For those with Starcraft 2


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I bought Starcraft 2 yesterday, but I can't play it. Everytime I play, it says it needs to update (fair enough) and then goes to update. When it reaches 16%, it stops, shuts down my internet connection and brakes my entire wireless network. I have to restart everything even to use the internet on a different computer.

I have no idea why this doesn't work. Its not my firewall because I can disable all of that and it still doesn't work.

I was wondering if any of you have the update files or a link the the direct file so I can just download and install the update without the downloader, or if you know why this is being weird.


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They did, but Telstra routers can't be manually configured =(

Little late on this, but if it's still giving you problems have you tried disabling peer to peer? Is it possible they are blocking that and the update isn't going through? If not, then I'd recommend calling your ISP and having them unlblock it for you? Also, is it an actual router? Or is it a modem? If there's a router in the way, try connecting the starcraft 2 pc directly to the cable modem long enough to get the update.

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Sorry I didn't see this dat. I've got it working now (sort of). After about 5 emails to Blizzard support trying to get them to put the patches up on their site like they do with all their other games, I found out that Blizzard doesn't support my ISP. Really annoying, they suggested I take my computer to a friends house to get it. Took me 2 hours but I got it.

Don't know what Im going to do when the next update comes out. I also don't know why my ISP isn't supported when it is the biggest in the country by far. meh. not much I can do.

Thanks for the help though guys. :)

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Sorry I didn't see this dat. I've got it working now (sort of). After about 5 emails to Blizzard support trying to get them to put the patches up on their site like they do with all their other games, I found out that Blizzard doesn't support my ISP. Really annoying, they suggested I take my computer to a friends house to get it. Took me 2 hours but I got it.

Don't know what Im going to do when the next update comes out. I also don't know why my ISP isn't supported when it is the biggest in the country by far. meh. not much I can do.

Thanks for the help though guys. :)

That's a pretty jackass thing to do. "Sorry we don't support that entire ISP" WTF is that suppose to mean? Did they even tell you why it wouldn't work? Is it a port issue that you can contact your ISP about? Pretty disappointing coming from Blizzard.

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They just said that they don't support the Telstra 3G Network (my isp). =( No explanation or anything, just that they suggest I take it to a friends house.

At least I've got it working now. I suck so bad. I played 2 games online in the practice league and lost within about 10 minutes. ugh.

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