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Budget Cpu's


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What's up guys , how are you ? I have been doing a lot of research and I found some little small powerful buggers. Before , I was not too fond of Amd chips but I put my pride to the side. 

Radeon Rx 460

I kind of like this one as it'll run me $110-$120. Powerful with a choice of 2gb or 4gb. This may be first option out.

GTX 1050 ti 4gb

This card has slot of power compared to the 460. This'll run me no more than $140-150. A good 4gb card. I understand there are more budget cards. But , I will not settle for anything less than 3gb worth of VRAM.

Prices are fine I just need help in choosing between the two GPUs. Video below 


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If you can spare the extra $20 I would go with the 1050. When the AMD has the drivers right and DX12 it can perform well, but overall the 1050 is just more powerful.


Unless, you are interested in FreeSync at some point. Which will make mid range cards more enjoyable. If so, you might want to go with the AMD since the FreeSync monitors are typically much cheaper than GSync.

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