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Posts posted by Murena

  1. Hello Dateranoth - i Try today last beta3 version - and now your old "every day" timer format - not work ?

    3:31[] [TIME FORMAT ERROR] Date Format Wrong. This was entered[ 0-1810to0-2350 ]Proper Format is WDAY-HHMMtoWDAY-HHMM  (Sunday=1 Saturday=7) It is currently 2-0143

  2. @Dateranoth
    I noticed - when CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures = True
    this line is removed from the server config -
    when CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures = False
    this line exists in the configuration file - and everything works as it should.
    About string AvatarsDisabled - they always present in the config file.
    So all that required by the script - everything works well.

  3. @Dateranoth

    Hello - sorry for late answer - i tested today this version what you send me murena.zip - and can say , all work perfect - i try many variation - CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures - on / off timer - and AvatarsDisabled - same. All work good. Only ServerSettings.ini7 backup many copys - need fix.

  4. Delete defaultserversettings.ini - is not problem - but if in some game update - devs include some new variable in defaultserversettings.ini .  You delete defaultserversettings.ini - and write all in serversettings.ini, and when devs make some global changes in defaultserversettings.ini if this happend - this no make problem?

    Ok i wait version for me) and try test)

  5. @Dateranoth

    Yes i try again - i sure what  ConanSandbox\Config\DefaultServerSettings.ini exists and add here ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\ServerSettings.ini

    CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures=False or CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures=True - and all work ok - file not rewrite to default settings. 

    Make please version for me and i try test.

    But remember please - include three line break - to file end ServerSettings.ini, i show this in screenshot.


  6. @Dateranoth

    I today tested - all work good, i test all scenarios - ON only Avatars - On only CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures - and ON this together. Set same time Daily reboot and on Avatars and CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures - all Work and all OK, but after few restart i see many ServerSettings.ini-beckup in ConanSandbox \ Saved \ Config \ WindowsServer - 12 files backup after few restart - this not good (need some do whith this) And second - i try manual insert to ConanSandbox \ Saved \ Config \ WindowsServer \ ServerSettings.ini

    CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures = False

    - And start server - all work good, and do not anybody overwrite this files to default settings, i do not know why your server do this (rewrite to default settings) but my server is ok. And i noticed some special - Server config file likes to the file end so that there three line break. Can you try please make for me (if it's possible) version who not delete default setting - who only insert change line to file
    ConanSandbox \ Saved \ Config \ WindowsServer \ ServerSettings.ini
     - and i try how this work in my server)

    But in general everything work in this version good! Thank you!


  7. You try overwrite defaultServerSetting ? this not need - you can write this on ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\ServerSettings




    or i don't right understand you ?)

  8. 40 minutes ago, Dateranoth said:


    I haven't thought about it. Honestly, I probably won't change anything. It will be up to the server admin to decide if they still want a separate restart during the raid hours. If it does restart during the raid ON time it will stay ON and then restart again when OFF.


    I will think on it a bit more and see if there is an alternative. I could have it ignore daily restarts if it's during ON hours. 

    Yes Your idea is good - i manage 6 Conan Exiles server using your software)

    And have many feedback from Players - what they need.


  9. 6 hours ago, Dateranoth said:

    Thanks. I will add Avatar enable/disable in there as well. I'm thinking of a format like this:

    @Murena @Sheepa

    Where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday, and 0 is every day. It's a bit much to type in, but it would allow the most options with ease. So this would turn building damage on Sunday between 15:30 and 18:05, and Tuesday 22:05 to Wednesday 01:00


    Or for an entire week at the same time:


    This is the format I'm leaning toward. If it seems to complicated I can make it simpler, but with simplicity comes less choice. 


    Dateranoth - yes this good format - but think - if raid on change need restart - think please what do your scenario if restart server time is same - in turn on raid scenarios

  10. 9 minutes ago, Dateranoth said:


    I will look into it. Enabling and disabling the setting shouldn't be too hard, but I do think you are right. It will require the server to restart to enable and disable it.  I would have to add that into the setting. Shut down the server, change the setting, then start it again.

    This will be Great if you do this.
     "Shut down the server, change the setting, then start it again." this in automatic right?

  11. 41 minutes ago, Dateranoth said:

    I'm not sure if it requires a restart or not.  I'm not very familiar with the concept, but I assume you want to turn on/off "Can Damage Player Owned Structures" ?  If that's the case, I think I can make it work.

    Yes you right - Can Damage Players Owned Structures - Allow players to attack and destroy other players structures.

    If you do this - we need two type - first - "On" this every day on timer - example 15:00 - 00:00 is ON - 00:00 - 15:00 is OFF

    And second type - to include it on the day of the week - OFF in: 00:00 mo tu we th fr 18:00 and ON - Fr 18:01 sat sun 23:59

  12. Hello Dateranoth - you program is best - you think about make options - enable and disable Raiding Building Protection (Enable Raiding between Specific Hours). Many people need this options - but i think enable end disable Raiding Building Protection need restart server - if this true - i think this not big problem. I agree to automatic restart.)

  13. Hello i have some problem with new Discord plugin - when i try disable TTS - bot is not send message.

    [Use Discord Bot to Send Message Before Restart? yes/no]


    2017/02/15 18:20:00 [ (PID: 4348)] Discord Bot In Use. Delaying Shutdown for 5 minutes. Notifying Channel
    2017/02/15 18:20:01 [ (PID: 4348)] [Discord Bot] Message Status Code {400} Message Response {"tts": ["Must be either true or false."]}
    2017/02/15 18:21:11 [ (PID: 4348)] --Work Memory:7267049472 --Peak Memory:7294128128
    2017/02/15 18:24:01 [ (PID: 4348)] [Discord Bot] Message Status Code {400} Message Response {"tts": ["Must be either true or false."]}
    2017/02/15 18:25:01 [ (PID: 4348)] [Discord Bot] Message Status Code {400} Message Response {"tts": ["Must be either true or false."]}


    What i do Wrong ?


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