One of Many Deep Sea Puzzles
The game may sound easy on the surface, but a number of interesting blocks make the puzzles much more difficult then moving a few blocks out of your way. There are blocks that attract each other, ones that repel each other, spring loaded blocks, ice blocks that slide until they hit something, blocks that move together, and even a very tricky snake block that can move in multiple directions but carries its tail with it. Other blocks will stand in your way before you leave the Deep Sea of Blockado. When all these blocks are combined they make for a great but difficult puzzle experience.
The Snake Block Provides this Entire Puzzle
Don't be discouraged though because the interface makes the game very enjoyable even if you are having trouble. In every puzzle you are given the option of stepping back a move with the quick touch of a finger. So if you accidentally made a move or even realized six moves too late you made a mistake you can simply step back to the point you want to. When you step back it also takes those moves off your total move count so they don't affect your star rating. Also to help you is a puzzle solver that will walk you through the steps to complete the puzzle. This is available in most puzzles except for those that are considered the most challenging puzzles.
On top of challenging puzzles the game provides a main adventure mode where you are after treasures from different parts of the sea. When you complete all the puzzles and unlock the treasure chest by completing its difficult puzzle you are awarded with some interesting information on the region you were in. It's not much, but I enjoyed the reward of reading about sunken treasures around the globe.
Puzzle with Spring Blocks
However, this game is mainly about solving puzzles and it does a fantastic job if you are in the market for a brain teaser to while away your time. The included puzzles number to 60 and if that isn't enough for you then you can use the built in scanner to scan in more from Blockado's Website. If that STILL isn't enough for you they have provided a puzzle editor ( Windows PC only ) that will allow you to create your own puzzles and then convert them to scan code. You can then scan them to play or even share them with your friends.
If you enjoy challenging puzzles then this game is for you. It has a simple to use interface with a simple concept made entertaining by a multitude of blocks that add to the challenge. The price couldn't be better for the sheer amount of content and the ability to scan in free extras or create your own. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an entertaining way to pass the time or if you just love puzzles. If you think the difficulty may be too steep you can always try their easier ones or download the free version to start.
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