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good monitors for eyefinity


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Is resolution a factor? Do you want 3x 1920 or would you prefer a smaller resolution for performance? What about monitor size?

right now i have 1280x1080 on a 24 which is great. so 3 of those would work. i have an asus atm im just wondering what are some better ones out their for gaming

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Well, it varies a lot. Year to year and model to model. I can do some looking around if you want, but really you mainly want to look out for two things. Ghosting and color reproduction. There will be a ton of specs etc claiming this response time and that color spectrum, but the hands on reviews are the best. They can do live checks of ghosting and response times. Plus they can tell you if there is noticeable banding in the color shades. Particularly the grey and black area where it will show a lot in games.

I've had a lot of luck with both LG and Samsung monitors. I'll do some looking around and see what I can come up with. And I assume you meant 1920x1080 right?

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Well. I'd have to make this suggestion.



Great reviews. Pretty pricey for a 23 inch but it's 1920x1080 and 120hz refresh. Which for what I assume you will be using for gaming is great.

I'll look more.

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Well. I'd have to make this suggestion.



Great reviews. Pretty pricey for a 23 inch but it's 1920x1080 and 120hz refresh. Which for what I assume you will be using for gaming is great.

I'll look more.

yeah that looks really good

what about those dell ultrasharp ones?

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yeah ive been looking at the asus ( http://www.newegg.co...N82E16824236104 )

i think i might get that one

EDIT: which leads to my next post/question lol

how would i hook up 3 displays to my card since it doesnt have display ports in the screen

right now i have a amd 6970 but im thinking of moving over to nivida and would get a 590 or w/e else they have out thats like the top card

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Well, if you are going to attempt gaming at the full resolution of three monitors you are going to need the beefiest card you can find. That Dell is a good monitor too. It will have a better color range than the ASUS one, but it's not 120hz. Probably also have better viewing angles too. I'm not sure which I would go with, probably the 120hz ASUS.

To connect the monitors you will have to connect two with DVI and the last one with HDMI. If you have display port instead you will have to get a display port to DVI adapter.


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