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Terminator Iriff Now Available


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Dunno how many fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 are on here, but I love the show. Since its ended, three of the mainstays went on to form rifftrax.com, where they basically do the same thing they did on MST3K (add humorous and mocking commentary onto movies), but now have a way of doing it without having to license the films they mock: by providing the commentary, you can purchase and download it and play it while watching the movie (they offer ways of keeping the commentary track and movie in sync), or if you're REALLY tech savvy, you can over lay the commentary over the movie directly. A few years back, they opened up the opportunity to host anyone's rifftrax, called iRiffs.

Thus, I'm happy to announce that our first iRiff is now available for the 1984 sci-fi classic: Terminator!

Below you'll find a preview of the riffing, and if you like what you see and would like to purchase the complete track, you can follow the link to the purchase page.


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