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  1. Oh is this a server utility just like conan server utility? I apologize for all the questions. New to this.
  2. It there an easier way to send messages to the server?
  3. I can only type in my Ip, port and password, then I push enter and it gives me a error https://imgur.com/kdV4tIS
  4. On the mcrcon utility I am getting invalid packet size. Its way over the allotted 10240
  5. This utility is awesome. Just trying to figure out a few odds and ends. -HotHour, Which one do I use. I assume you have multiple? I have tried to put a time in the first one and it did not restart. [Restart Server Daily? yes/no] RestartDaily=yes [Daily Restart Hours? 00-23] HotHour1=1100 HotHour2=00 HotHour3=00 HotHour4=00 HotHour5=00 HotHour6=00 -How do i keep it from restarting if I am messing with the settings? I am sure this is a easy fix. Remote Restart - http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass] Is the IP the VM ip? or the server ip? Discord Bot is not working either, I copied the hook over correctly. UseDiscordBot=yes DiscordWebHookURL=https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/452130791007322122/qnxPsghukEU0mbAGIWQpTqJYbk30BhVQAAaiiUDk7Vk--QuDy7M6jE9H4EOOTPmuKSbk DiscordBotName=Conan Exiles Discord Bot DiscordBotUseTTS=yes DiscordBotAvatarLink= DiscordBotTimeBeforeRestart=5
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