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Fail of The Day - Sony Calls Xbox 360 Technology "Inferior" After Microsoft Announces That They Are "Biased"; Nintendo Says Nothing


Ding ding! Today's Fail of the Day is being brought to you by a war of words between two video game titans, Sony and Microsoft.

Last week, Sony's Sony's Senior VP of Publisher Relations Rob Dyer went on the defensive by taking a shot at Microsoft's right to deny downloadable arcade games that appear on the Playstation Network first after Microsoft admitted that they are "biased".

"We're a little biased, so obviously we're going to look to protect our own space..." ~European Xbox Boss, Chris Lewis in an interview to Eurogamer. " Whilst I can't be specific about the terms and conditions, you can be very confident we seek to maximise our own advantage to ensure the playing field is even, and certainly plays to our advantage wherever possible. As you can also imagine, our partners have to be mindful of the relationship they have with all platform holders, and they need to be equitable. But there are contractual situations where we get agreement with different people to do different things, and through what we have available on Xbox Live, we are able to offer things other people can't offer, that allows that exclusivity and unique elements to it that might not otherwise be available elsewhere."

Sony fired back at their competitor, accused them of trying to "protect" an inferior and outdated technology.

"I think what [Xbox Europe boss] Chris [Lewis] and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology. I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray, or you have extra content above 9GB, or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that." ~ Sony's Senior VP of Publisher Relations Rob Dyer in an interview with IndustryGamers

Dyer further ranted, "And that’s a huge problem with them. It first started on the smaller pubs, and we can talk about what’s happened on XBL and the policy they have there that requires publishers to have a whole litany of things in order to get onto their network or they have to go through and be published by Xbox, by Microsoft, which essentially lets them dictate how long they’ll be exclusive and whether or not they own the IP, etc, etc. They - for instance, if you want to be able to do something on XBL, you need to have an office, there’s all kinds of restrictions. We don’t do that. We don’t have any kind of policy like that. We’re not pushing that. In fact, we’ve gone the other way to try and encourage publishers through our Pub Fund... We want to welcome the indies and we've seen that become a very big part of our business because indies are recognizing that we aren’t demanding a pound of flesh in order for them to get a game published on our network."

Sony taking advantage of Microsoft's strict content submission and release policy a surprise? No. Microsoft revealing that they are biased towards protecting exclusive content? No. Nintendo not making a peep about this ordeal? No. That is why all of these companies are receiving The Fail of the Day.


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