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Microsoft Says No New Xbox This Year


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Microsoft has finally responded to the many rumors and speculations that they were planning on surprising the industry by releasing a console later this year by stating nothing new is coming in 2012.

The announcement came from Microsoft France's marketing director Cedrick Delmas who also stated during an interview with french website Lepoint.fr, that it's still too early to say what Microsoft will be unveiling at E3 2012.

"We're in an industry that talks a lot, that likes telling stories. I am not convinced that things will happen this year. The Xbox 360's cycle is not over at all. The proof is that we haven't price cut this year. Afterward, what will happen at E3, it's still too early to say. What's certain is that there will be nothing new in 2012."

Delmas also commented on Nintendo's upcoming console release with the Wii U by saying "we're not here to counter Nintendo and they're not here to fight the other manufacturers. Nintendo has put itself in a different cycle. It's going forward to its own rhythm, with success as we have seen with the Wii, and now it's their turn to present their innovation."

via IGN

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