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Photoshop training guide


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ive had cs4 for a while but i did nothing with it so far, i wanna try to get good at it. so does anyone know a training guide that works me up from the beginning?

Yep .. sure do .. My wife Tamara has been using Photoshop as a designer for around 10 or 15 years. First question is "What do you want to do with it?" I HIGHLY suggest the tutorials from Lynda.com. Also a decent starter book is the Visual Quick Starts.

Here's the link to the Lynda tutorials .. you gotta pay but I think I have a lot of these .. if you want I'll mail them on a DVD for you.


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If you did i would love you long time.

ummm .. I'll pass. I don't know where I have them stored at the moment and I use a Mac but I'm sure they are just Quicktime files with projects for you to work on. .. PM with your address and I'll send them your way

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