Meet The Princess. She likes to talk....ALOT.
Set in three different environments in three very different kingdoms, World of Keflings does not disappoint. Ninja Bee which was founded in 2004, tells the story of each kingdom in a World of Keflings through vibrant imagery and easy to follow storylines that not only tell the story of the kingdom, but also individual Keflings that need your help. This can include building buildings or collecting items and putting them in the proper building that they request the items to be placed into.
"I am King me ROOOOOAR!!!!"
Each kingdom in World of Keflings has their own unique environment. The Ice Kingdom is where you start your adventure in a frozen block of ice surrounded by Keflings. You break out of the ice block like you are King Kong and agree to help the Keflings. Soon you find yourself gathering resources and making buildings with the help of builder brothers who can make buildings for you and/or bring you your selected pieces of the building you are constucting. There is a whole family of builder brothers so be prepared to meet every single one of these heavy lifting builders along your journey through each of the colorful kingdoms; The Ice Kingdom, The Forest Kingdom, and The Desert Kingdom.
These "builder brothers" are always around to lend a helping hand
Each kingdom has essentially the same goal. Turn your tiny starter town into a huge and prosperous kingdom. From the sound of that, you should be getting bored right? Wrong. Each kingdom has enough of "quests" and bickering between Keflings to keep you entertained for hours. You will also have to travel back and forth between kingdoms through "gates" to build new buildings and advance the story along which is divided into chapters.
You can have fun with your Keflings like launching them in cannons!
Throughout World of Keflings you will never find yourself feeling like you are running "short" of Keflings which was a problem with Kingdom of Keflings. In Kingdom of Keflings, you found yourself wasting your Keflings by needing to have "transporter" Keflings who would transport each resource to the building that you choose. Thankfully Ninja Bee fixed that and now your worker Keflings can transport the materials that they are cutting, chopping, or mining to the building that you want the materials in by picking them up and placing them at the building after you give them their job or else you will end up collecting the piles of resources yourself. This makes managing your Keflings much easier and allows you to not feel like you are always building houses and never have enough of "love" to gain more Keflings like in Kingdom of Keflings.
Make sure to show your Keflings plenty of "love"
One of the new features in World of Keflings is called, "Country Love". It works similar to regular "love", but country love is specifically for cottages which are bigger than your average house in a World of Keflings. After you build a cottage and put country love into it, instead of the standard two Keflings that come trotting out, you wind up with four Keflings which also aids the management of buildings and worker Keflings.
"Should I drink that?"
Another new feature that Ninja Bee added into World of Keflings is the "push" feature that allows you to move buildings around without having to beat them down your fists and start from scratch. One thing that "pushing" lacks is proper aiming. You might find yourself building your buildings and not liking where you place them or place two buildings side by side. When trying to push the building up, down, left, or right it often seems to get "confused" and push the wrong building, because your avatar that you play as does not "lock on" to the building. This can get frustrating at times especially as you advance one of your kingdoms and you need to make more room.
Ninja Bee has a surprise for you if you purchased their other games!
Other new features in World of Keflings includes interacting with your Keflings by using "emotes" which are accessed by the D-Pad, drinking potions made by the witch to level up, leveling up individual worker Keflings by smacking them, and adding special items to your buildings like snowmen, trees, and statues. Also, you now can send your friends on Xbox Live custom items through messages and doing so will net you an achievement!
Ninja Bee took the time to do something really special for their fans in World of Keflings. If you purchased any of their other titles available on Xbox Live, you are notified before you start that you have achievements for that game and gain special things in World of Keflings. Another addition is the crossing over between Raskulls and Ilomilo. If you purchased either of these games or both of them you will be able to have the Kefling version of them in your game. With Raskulls and Ilomilo, you can either play as the characters meant for the game or a Kefling.
I <3 Ninja Bee
Overall, World of Keflings is a major step up from Kingdom of Keflings. Fans of the little Keflings will love the happy go lucky music and prancing Keflings and new players will enjoy the simple tutorial and easy to navigate menu. World of Keflings is one of those rare Xbox Live Arcade titles that is actually worth the price it releases for. Bravo Ninja Bee for making an even more addicting sequel to a game that we all love.
*The online multiplayer of World of Keflings was not reviewed. Each online experience is different when playing with friends and other people.
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