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Would anyone be interested in doing Extra Life this year?


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I'm looking into doing the Extra Life marathon. I would like to do the official day, Oct 28th starting at 8 am and running the full 24hrs.


I'm hoping I can get maybe 3 or 4 people to help out, and split the time playing different games and such, and generally have some peeps to chat with and play with.


I have a rather limited game library and some diversity would be cool.  


My play would focus on Diablo 3, and a large amount of Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, maybe a few other things.


Suggestions? Interest in joining?


Hit me up!

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I can't promise anything at the moment. It will depend on work. If I'm still on third shift I may have some time in the afternoon before work, but I'm not sure how my schedule will be then.

Not sure what I'll play, but I probably won't have finished Shadow of Mordor. So maybe that.

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I joined the Giant Bomb team for this year, and am going to try pushing through the whole thing on my own instead of breaking it up.


I would still love some company and help if you have whatever game I might be playing at the time.


I'll be in TeamSpeak probably the whole time, so just find me there.


If you see me tweet or my stream is live, please help with the echo of my signal any way you can. Especially if you are in the Pittsburgh area, as this goes to Pitt Childrens.



*thanks in advance to any support*

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