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Downloading Twitch streams


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Does anyone know where you can download Twitch streams in anything larger than 30 minute segments? I stream for like.. 6 hours at a time, and 30 minute increments is a fucking nightmare to download sometimes.


Twitch is basically getting rid of all the streams with copyrighted audio, so I want to save my shit.

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If you're using OBS you can save the recording while you broadcast. It's already encoding so it's no extra stress on the computer other than writing to the hard drive.

As for streams already up, I saw this on twitter today.


Batch downloaded of videos, but needs Linux.

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Alright MrsBE. I think I have you taken care of. It's not as elegant as can be done in Linux, and I probably could have automated it a bit more in batch.  However, it should do. 


  1. Download this Zip File
  2. Extract the folder to wherever you want to save all these archives. All of them will be downloaded to the folder the files are extracted to.
  3. Run GetArchiveList_Run_First.html.  I created this to grab the urls from Twitch. Just enter your channel name or any one else you want for that matter and click the button.  Video URLs will be listed one per line.
  4. Copy the entire list ( if you want them all ) and paste it into VODLIST.txt . Should only be URLs and should be one per line.  Save VODLIST.txt
  5. Run Get_Twitch_Videos.bat
  6. Grab something to drink. Probably going to be a while.


Oh, it'll also ask if you want to log the output. If you do, nothing will display on the console except for the individual video status at the top of the window. However, everything will be logged for reference. If you choose no, the console will have all the current information, but nothing will be logged.

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I just got my new 8-bay in the other day.  I have quite a bit of leftover room again.  Need to grab 4 more 4TB drives to finish filling it up when the price comes down.  OH, and there's about 70GB of Gamercide videos downloaded now, and it's not even half way done.  No wonder they don't want to host all videos indefinitely.



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