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Problems with connection.

green grenades

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The past several months I've been having problems with my internet. My PC seems to run fine and my up and down speed are very good. However when I use my xbox or roku it's hard to connect and stay connected to the net. What would cause this? Like right now I'm on my pc and I'm in the living room, my wireless router is in the dining room right behind me, maybe 15 feet? I have 3 or 4 bars out of 5 on my pc. It is less on my xbox. I have reset my router several times. It's really a problem on my xbox and roku, I will be streaming videos or playing a game and my connection will drop. My pc is fine though. Do I need to get a new wireless router? Do I need to update it some how? Any help would be appreciated.

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Hmmm, that is really strange GG.


First off, what kind of router are you using?


Secondly, you may want to check to see if there is any firmware upgrades available for your actual router.  I know with mine I need to log into the router (usually you need to type into your web browser).  It should prompt you to enter your username and password (default is "admin" and "password" for those respectively).  In those settings there is usually an update area or something.

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