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Government databases and what can (and likely will) go wrong


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NSA controls global Internet traffic via private fiber-optic cables




Here’s what can go wrong when the government builds a huge database about Americans





Happy reading.

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Oops. One more. Snowden has been busy!


New Snowden leak: Australia’s place in US spying web


Ex-NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden has disclosed his first set of documents outlining Australia’s role in NSA surveillance programs, picking out four facilities in the country that contribute heavily to US spying.



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Great... another reason to be pissed off with the government right now.

Digital privacy will have to be an issue that is addressed in the next election, or else they are not getting my vote. I'm afraid they are just going to keep trying to brush this crap under the covers.

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Well, Snowden appears to be keeping some stuff close to his chest. The more he is fucked with, the more he releases. I have a feeling his grand finale (if he's able to release it), will shock us all to the core. So bad, that ordinary citizens will finally be fed up with this shit, and start to act.

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One can only hope PK.  Unfortunately I feel a lot of the population is too apathetic to actually start/participate in an uprising. 


Personally?  I'd be more than happy to lend my help and services to any movement that begins.  I'm quite fed up with all of it.

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Seriously?  Holy shit dude.  I don't even know what to say.  We make such a big deal when other countries have their internet access suddenly bottom out and drop off the face of the earth (Syria, Iran, etc) and now WE are going to be doing the exact same thing.

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