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Help me add to my pile of shame...


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So, I'm going to break down and pay full price for a game.  Something I haven't done in a long ass time.  I've narrowed it down to a few choices and wanted to get your help.  Below are the options:


Gears of War Judgement

God of War Ascension

Sly Cooper 4

Injustice: Gods Among Us


I'm leaning towards Injustice.  I've really dug the comics and the iOS version is getting the hell played out of it.  Already have Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, Dishonored, X-Com...blah blah blah....


Go forth my good Gamercide family and discuss!

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If I was going to pick for you I'd say Injustice, Mr Spawn.  I say this because I know you've discussed it previously and you love comics.



GoWJ is a rehash.  Same stuff, different day.  Rental IMO.

GoWA is again, just more fleshed out Kratos with a tacked on multiplayer.

Sly Cooper 4 would be a second place choice for me above the other two.

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I did not like the last Gears game and passed on this one because of it.


I don't have a PS3. I can't speak for the others you listed but I will say that I also considered Injustice because I am a comic fan and it looked interesting. Only problem is I get bored with fighting games faster than others unless I have someone over to regularly play it with.


So in short Injustice it is!


P.S. Don't sleep on Defiance if you like open world post-apocalyptic worlds

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