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My Test Stream

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Don't worry about it, Bdub. Dat and some of us have been helping countless people and it's almost second nature now. lol


If I can give you one small piece of advice about casting -- Never take it too seriously. It's good to care about your quality and all, but there's so much that can bring you down when you're casting. "Twitch Drama" is a very real thing. The one thing you should be focused on, is fun. We've seen people who cast for other reasons than fun, and it never works out well. Also, if you weren't asking questions, we'd be worried. Enjoy your time and all should be fine.

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Thanks man! I just feel like an irritant sometimes, because I feel like some of these things should be so obvious. It's funny because I've always been great with computers and electronics, but some of this is just foreign territory for me.


As far as that's concerned, I am all about this for the fun. It's something I wanted to get into for a while, just never had the time or means to. I'm not after A++ quality, just getting things to an acceptable level so I can do this properly and have a system down.


I've noticed though...whenever I'm off an evening Gamercide usually starts a stream around the same time. Maybe I'll do some sort of late nite casting for the night birds, since a lot of nights I do work late. I dunno, we'll see.

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Well, we do have 8 casters for the channel and a schedule that's fairly open for them. There's also a few fill-in casters, like PipMagnet and myself. We try to have a cast going at all times possible.


After streaming and getting used to the software, you'll end up helping people. Just a natural cycle and the streaming community tends to help one another.

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Yep, I'm excited. I'll be tinkering with it probably most of the evening trying to get my computer set up properly, and hopefully have my capture device ready to go shortly down the line.


I don't know if anyone has ever had this problem before...but the problem I was having before, was with my audio and mic. It seemed to work fine, but when I started streaming I would hear both myself and the game sound echoing. I didn't have the stream playing in Twitch, and I tried it with and without headphones, playing with the volume levels and mic noise gate, none of it really seemed to make a difference. Any ideas what might cause that? :/

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I've done that before when I streamed. Checked that the stream was muted - it was. Later realized I had the channel's dashboard up and the echo was coming from that. lol


Might want to check this, too



Tick off "listen to this device" in mic properties. May or may not be the problem, but you want it ticked off anyways.

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Awesome, I'll try that thanks. One last thing then I'll be off your back til later (promise lol). 


Well two things. Related to the sound in XSplit or OBS, when you're streaming and you have the two volume controls for sound...mic sound and system sound, what's the best setup? Should one be louder than the other, both maxed out? I've been tinkering with that, and also with the mic boost built into the mic (like if you were to click the 'levels' tab on the image you just showed me). I have mine set to +24 dB, and between that and the mic boost in the streaming software, it's driving me mad trying to get my voice to sound high enough without the game sounding too low, etc.


Second quick thing...I think I may go with XSplit, since I like the features a lot and I don't really mind paying $15 for 3 months. Good idea or no?

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Soundcards are too different across the board, so you'll need to find a good mix through testing. I found my best level with Kevin in the stream giving me feedback. I couldn't trust just my own ears. Give us some heads up when you next go live, and we'll try to come in and help you determine a good mix.


That choice is all yours to make. OBS works fine for me. The only big difference to me is, delay. OBS has a 6-10 second delay from the time you say something, to the time the channel hears it. Xsplit's is a bit faster.

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Couldn't sleep so well, so I decided to download and stream the demo from the original Bioshock. Good news, I hooked my laptop up to my TV. So I can somewhat multitask in streams better now.


Bad news...yeah my computer is abysmal for streaming PC games. Check out the video if you want to see what I mean. Skip to around 21:00...that's where I stop fiddling with settings and just play. Set to low graphics quality, still awful. Played better on my end than the stream by just a tiny bit, but there's no doubt I need an upgrade. Semi-good news: it wasn't AS bad as I thought. I thought it would be unplayable to be honest. It was painful, but I could play it. So today I'll probably try Half Life 2. I know most of you have played it to death at some point, but it's the only Steam game I have that I'm familiar with. Should work perfectly fine, and I can try that out.



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With any luck I will be streaming from my console on Tuesday evening. Should work well compared to my PC at least until I get my desktop.


Don't have the best selection:

Bioshock 2


CoD (BO2, WAW, MW3)


Crysis 3

Fallout 3

Portal 1, 2



Was thinking maybe Crysis 3, I haven't beaten it yet but I haven't seen too much of it around either. But let me know if there's anything anyone might prefer. :)

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