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So from this I have learned...


  • EA still sucks
  • EA still values their wallets more than the consumer
  • EA support is trying to compete with Comcast for worst customer service ever
  • EA really didn't seem to have any recovery plan in place for something like this, also horrible PR
  • EA would rather remove game features instead of giving what everyone else wants... No DRM
  • I'm never buying anything directly though Origin (unless it is dirt cheap)
  • Always online DRM is still the stupidest idea to come to game publishers (Ubisoft is also guilty of this)
  • What could have been, and likely still is a great game, has been crippled by DRM that eventually won't stop pirates anyway
  • My hope for the Sim franchise has been crippled
  • I'm not going to buy any games at release from EA
  • Even if I love the developer, if they partner with EA, they are dead to me (Who they choose to partner with is really their choice anyway, this is exactly what happened to BioWare IMO)


Congratz EA!



This is what they're hoping for, I'm sure. "Eh, I won't buy anything anymore.. unless there's a sale!"


I personally won't buy a damned thing from them. As much as I would love to support the devs, they need to know when it's time to jump ship.

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This is what they're hoping for, I'm sure. "Eh, I won't buy anything anymore.. unless there's a sale!"


I personally won't buy a damned thing from them. As much as I would love to support the devs, they need to know when it's time to jump ship.


By dirt cheap I mean it would have to be in the $5 to $10 range, which given Origin's history is unlikely to ever happen.

Anyway all the games I have on origin except 1 was were purchased through a 3rd party and not the Origin service.

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Cheetah was still disabled but I've had a much easier time micromanaging my city without it. I may play without cheetah mode for most pf the game even once it's enabled. 

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So im gamestop yesterday and the lines longer than hell. The guy behind me is buying Simcity. I let him read this page. He puts the game back leaves. I promptly get asked to leave also. Costing a sale

Bwahahahahaa!   Awesome Irish and good on you.  Same has happened to me before when I explained how a game was horrible to a potential customer who was near me lol.

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It didnt bother me its the store i rarely go to. But i asked the Mgr who tossed me. Wouldnt you rather warn a customer of a bad game and probs and have them say hey thanks and return again because you treated them well over they sold me this shit game and never return. The guy was in the store buying a hard copy because he couldnt download it..lol. The Mgr responce was well they got the failure rate from 80% to 40%....

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Can't believe I'm embedding this, but he's right.


<div style='width:650px;font-size: 12px;'><embed src="http://cdn2.escapistmagazine.com/media/global/movies/player/flowplayer.commercial-3.2.12.swf" flashvars="config=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/config/6978-568ee0c59c278407d7d510810b743047.js%3Fplayer_version%3D2.5%26embed%3D1" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" width="650" height="391" wmode="opaque"></embed><div><a href='http://www.escapistmagazine.com'>The Escapist</a> : <a href='http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition'>Jimquisition</a> : <a href='/videos/view/jimquisition/6978-SimShitty'>SimShitty</a></div></div>

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So im gamestop yesterday and the lines longer than hell. The guy behind me is buying Simcity. I let him read this page. He puts the game back leaves. I promptly get asked to leave also. Costing a sale

Good on you. I've done that before to people though, and haven't been thrown out. I wasn't particularly loud about it however, and followed it up with another game suggestion. That manager was probably just a douche - or smarting because people have been refunding the game.

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Has anyone been keeping up with the horror of this game? People have been uncovering hardcore EA / Maxis lies like some sort of bloodhound team on the scent of an ex-convict.


If anything, check out r/simcity for an idea of the bullshittery that's going on, it's pretty insane. I've already gotten my money back by contacting my bank and telling them "it's broke!". So broke, it busted my GPU officially, and I get to get a new one. Yay!

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EA certainly has the right to distribute the game how it sees fit.  However I see no reason for them to blatantly lie about it.  If you have enough ****s to do something, have enough to come clean about it if questioned.


edit - Francis is awesome; gd Lemonade Tycoon FTW!


It better be ****ing Crysis
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