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Tom Nook; Evil Genius

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TOM NOOK; Number 72 on the top 100 villains list.


The Animal Crossing series might be considered one of the most innocent and family-friendly franchises out there, but even in the land of ultra-cute anthropomorphic critters there must be someone at the top of the food chain. Tom Nook might look innocent enough, and when you first arrive into town, he might even seem nice, but beneath that furry façade lies the cold, dead heart of a megalomaniac whose sole desire is to make a quick bell. Sure, he gives you a place to live, but then he dumps you deeper in debt than you could possibly imagine, and forces you to start working it off. You don't get a say in the matter.

And what happens when you pay your dues? You wake the next morning to find your house mysteriously more spacious, and your debt back and bigger than ever. Not only did he further secure you as his bell-cow, he broke into your house while you were sleeping. He knows he can get away with it in this small town, too. The mayor is old and out of touch with the public, and the law enforcement is woefully inept.

And every day, more bones surface, and Tom Nook is more than happy to pay you so that he might dispose of the evidence...

Thought this was funny, and true, read the rest of the list here:

IGN: Top 100 Villains List.

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