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Gamer Card and Game IDs


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[b][u]Gamer Card:[/u][/b]
If you have any questions or need any help with gamer cards post here: [url="http://gamercide.org/forum/forum/40-forum-technical-support/"]Forum Technical Support[/url]

It wasn't as hard as I thought so I went ahead and worked on the gamer cards for everyone. They will not replace your avatars! You still need to decide what avatar photo you wish to use and upload it in your profile. However, you can now use any gamer card that you wish to use. This includes Steam, Xbox, and PSN.

Here is an example of sites:
[url="http://steamcard.com/"]Steam Card Site[/url]

[url="http://gamercard.zaamit.com/"]Xbox Card [/url]

[url="http://us.playstation.com/portableid/"]Playstation Card[/url]

Keep in mind the size is limited to 220px Wide and 175px High at most. Anything larger will be automatically shrank to fit. In order to add one of the above cards, navigate to your profile then click 'Edit My Profile' in the top right.
Under Contact Methods You will see a field labeled : Gamer Card
Enter the HTML link to your Gamer Card. Direct link only. No HTML code and no BBCode. Example: [CODE]http://gamercard.zaamit.com/gta/dateranoth.jpg[/CODE]
If you did it right your Gamer Card will appear below your avatar in your posts and in your profile.

[b][u]Game IDs:[/u][/b]

Also while editing your profile you now have the options to fill out your Gamer IDs for Steam, Playstation Network, and Xbox Live.
Simply enter your username in the field and it will automatically link to your profile.

You can see the results in the user info pain to the left. Click on all my IDs to see my profiles.

The ID you want to use as your Steam ID and your Steam Gamer Card must be setup in your Steam Profile first! Instructions Below.

Go to your Steam Profile and then edit it.
There will be a field called Custom URL.
Whatever you put at the end of that field will be your steam ID.
It won't change with your username unless you change it. So make sure you set the same ID here as you do in your steam profile Custom URL.
Also, if you want the gamer card to work your profile must be setup and public.
Again. Your Steam ID is the ID you setup in your Steam Profile. Not necessarily your username!
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