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comm. game night

Teh_Magrant 141

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Hey guys, Its been a really long time since I touched down on the gamercide fourm, but I was wondering if we could get something going, Maybe on PC and or Xbox 360. Its been a while since I've played a game where people arent shouting crazy and threatening things to gamers.... If we were to shout something, it would be funny and not meant to hurt someone... right? lol but anyway I was thinking that since The weekend, and holidays are approaching I wanted to see If anyone would like to play some games. Heres a draft of suggestions:

Xbox 360:


Forza 4

Battlefield 3

Call of Duty MW 2, or 3 (probably 3)

Skate 3

Blur (if anyone knows what that is)

Halo 3 (just for fun multiplayer maps)

Halo Reach

NFS Hot pursuit


Perfect Dark (XBLA port)

Throw in more suggestions if you want, depending on who has most of these,

PC: (Most games are steam bases)

Counter Strike source

Team Fortress 2

Goldeneye source

War Inc. Battlezone

Call of duty MW1

Call of duty WAW

those are the only games I have installed at the moment.

Feel free to chip in, If you also have friends that want to join in, all the merrier

When would people be able to play? 11-11-11 11-12-11? other days?

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