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Minecraft Alpha Server Backup Utility


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Overviewer that works with the new region format:


Also, I think I may add support for the biome extractor


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Just a heads up for everyone. The branch of Overviewer for Regions has been updated. The Caching works MUCH MUCH better now. Way faster. I suggest downloading and updating yours.


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::V2.9-Updated Incremental backup code for 7zip. It should have been placing the-------::

::-----temporary file when updating the backup in the same directory but it wasn't.-----::

::-----Added command line to force temp files to goto backup directory so people running::

::-----on RAMDisks or low disk space won't encounter errors.----------------------------::

::-----INFORMATION UPDATE: PLEASE READ: Regards Backuping up Entire Server and Python---::

::-----If backing up your entire server directory you CANNOT place the backup location--::

::-----inside your Server Directory. This creates a loop that xcopy won't allow and----::

::-----thus fails to create the backup.-------------------------------------------------::

::-----Second, if you use overviewer and Python you MUST have your Python Directory in--::

::-----your windows PATH environment. Instructions can be found here:------------------::


Almost forgot, the saveall.vbs was updated as well. Just rearranged a little bit to make sure the save-all command gets through.

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yea that is what i thought ... then it should in theory work for all ... but anyways just a thought and somthing i found looking for web ability to manage the server:) got bored at work and that is what i was looking for and found that... hope it helps a lil:)

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::V3.0-Now supporting retrieval and backup of a remote server via ftp. If you are------::

::-----using a server host such as xenonservers.com and you need a way to backup your---::

::-----server and run the mapping tools you now have a solution. As long as you have a-::

::-----machine that can run this script you can pull the remote server files, via ftp---::

::-----run the backup and mapping, and upload the map to the webserver. The process----::

::-----treats the remote files just like you were hosting it locally and supports all---::

::-----features EXCEPT save-all. You will need to run a plugin such as SimpleCronClone-::

::-----to force save-all ever X minutes ahead of when this script is going to run-------::

::-----My latest release will include the two .scc scripts needed to do this. You will-::

::-----need to download and install the plugin however.---------------------------------::

::-----The option to do remote retrieval can be found under FTP Options-----------------::

::-----The only other change is that the xcopy exclude file MUST have the full path-----::

::-----if being used. Example below.---------------------------------------------------::

V3.0 Supports Backing up Remote servers. Do you have a server host such as xenonservers.com with no way to backup your files or run mapping software? Now you can. Simply follow the directions below and the script will connect to your server via FTP, download the files and then run the backup and mapping process like you were running the server on your own machine. Not the best solution, but it's better than nothing. If using this for remote server backup, saveall should be disabled and an alternative method such as SimpleCronClone should be used.

If performing a REMOTE Server Backup Make sure the variable GetRemoteServerFiles is set to yes and all the Retrieve Server Files from FTP Options have been properly set. Also, make sure WinSCP is installed and the path is set in your variables.

Also, you will not use the VBS Script when backing up a remote server because it will have no effect. Instead you will want to install SimpleCronClone and using the two scripts I included have it run save-all every X minutes. You will want to force your server to save a few minutes more often then you backup. So, if you are backing up every 10 minutes, then force save every 7. It's not the best solution, but the only one available for remote backup atm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

V3.1 is out and has adopted the Direct to Tile version of Overviewer. Support for older versions have been dropped though they can still be used. If you wish to keep the older versions you will need to rename gmap.py or gmap.exe to overviewer.py or overviewer.exe . You will then need to change the overviewer options to comply with the older version. I highly suggest updating to the DTT version as it is much faster and doesn't require the first caching stage. It also allows you to render more than one mode at a time. Refer to the settings for more information. There is now an Overviewer OPTIONS setting allowing you to customize the commands. Finally, support for sessions in WinSCP has been added. This is only necessary if you are Backing up from a Remote Server who's timezone is different from yours.

::V3.1-The older versions of Overviewer have been dropped. Only the Direct to Tile-----::

::-----version is supported now. It can be found at the link below---------------------::


::-----If you are using an older version of Overviewer it will still work but you'll----::

::-----need to change gmap.py or gmap.exe to overviewer.py or overviewer.exe.-----------::

::-----You will also have to change the OVWROPTION sections below to comply with the old::

::-----Overviewer settings.-------------------------------------------------------------::

::-----Finally, I have added an option to the Remote Server Download. This option------::

::-----will allow you to open sessions saved in WinSCP, which is useful for syncing the-::

::-----server time zone with your local computer. If you do not then the files will not-::

::-----sync properly. Refer to the WinSCP website for instructions on the time offset.-::

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