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GTA Online: Cunning Stunts Coming July 12th


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Oh no. You would have had to used a source code embed. I'm still looking into how to make more items automatically embed in this version. Right now it supports a lot of the popular ones, but not all of them. 


Still, https is the links you want to use now if possible. 

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The mapmaker is pretty intuitive. A bit addicting, too. First time I opened it and used it, I made one quick little motorcycle race and then the sun was up. I had spent hours on the thing without even realizing. lol

I'm almost scared to open it up after this next update. Almost.

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Hard to say. When I loaded it up after the Stunt update, it had a pre-screen load with the option to jump into stunting. Until the next update, we can't create our own maps yet with the new stunt assets. So, I joined an open game and when I left, it dropped me into a rando open game. If I had started as private? Who knows. One of those questions only R* can answer unfortunately.

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