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Rock Band 4 Officially Announced


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Harmonix and Mad Catz are bringing Rock Band 4 to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.  Details:


  • It will be on PS4 and Xbox One
  • Harmonix intends it to be fully backwards-compatible with ALL plastic instruments you may have already bought back in the mid-late '00s, and is working with Microsoft and Sony to make this a reality
  • All the DLC you bought for last-gen versions of Rock Band will be carried over (again, depending on the platform holders' co-operation)
  • There will be new instruments to buy if you want to buy them, and people who pre-order them will get exclusive colours
  • The new controllers will be largely similar in size and shape to the old ones, as Harmonix still has a relationship with Fender, but they will be identical in functionality: no new bells and whistles
  • It's no longer being published by EA – instead, Harmonix is partnering with Mad Catz both to manufacture the new instruments and to distribute the boxed game
  • Rock Band 4 is intended to be a platform that lasts for years rather than the first step in another sequence of yearly releases. It will be continuously updated with new songs, modes, and anything else the community wants
  • It will be out during summer

This is great news.  Only problem is, I don't own an Xbox One and all my Rock Band songs are on my Xbox 360. Guess I'll be buying an Xbox One this summer. Guess it was inevitable anyway.

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