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Newbie (1/14)

  1. RT @ThePracticalDev: NPM & left-pad: Have We Forgotten How To Program? https://t.co/CY7IxZ6ek4 https://t.co/IHcSMtLvHy

  2. RT @ThePracticalDev: Does your code depend on fewer than 72 NPM packages? Your code is lonely and you need to read this book. https://t.co/…

  3. @UnwontedStudios @renpytom So you effectively have no choice but to let kids on Youtube profiteer off your work and kill your sales.

  4. RT @ByMikeBaker: Just think: A child born in Ballard today will get to use light rail soon after they graduate college. https://t.co/gRanS2…

  5. RT @AmyDentata: This is so true. Let's Plays can destroy revenue for linear games. https://t.co/P9OFUrnKmL https://t.co/7RLjoZM0Su

  6. The best part about that article is the photo.

  7. RT @Gaohmee: #gamdevjobs - 2D character artist wanted to work on animations for a German point-and-click adventure, remote work possible - …

  8. RT @TobyKurien: Pure JavaScript comedy gold from the reddit thread #loljs https://t.co/OhRAZl6GoW

  9. RT @Jonathan_Blow: What happens when all your software is a tangle of dependencies that you hope will keep working indefinitely... https://…

  10. RT @timsoret: The makers of Limbo, @Playdead released their temporal antialiasing for @unity3d. https://t.co/O8vG3uweEL https://t.co/2DtZfg…

  11. @fatfoxcoon @GreyScaleLJH Mostly people are surprised it took this long. It's one of the most cataclysmic failures the industry has seen.

  12. RT @tiedtiger: Wii U enters the Dreamcast zone Nikkei Reports That Wii U Production To Stop In 2016 - N-Europe https://t.co/LqydaSCnr3

  13. https://t.co/aAqQfztkau New York Times [July, 1997] 'Computer needs another century or two to defeat Go champion'

  14. @AxelRantila Perforce is the way to go. Built-in integration and it's industry standard for games.

  15. RT @solv17: I thought this day would never come! Westlake-Capitol Hill in 2:26--thanks, Seattle :) #ULink2016 https://t.co/s0s4gcEzRo

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