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Everything posted by Dateranoth

  1. @Sheepa Strange, I might have broke something when I was trying to update. Can you send me the INI file that you were using with the above log?
  2. @yolo Those are example times. 1-0000to7-2359 would enable building damage from Sunday 0000 to Saturday 2359. Effectively all the time. Building damage would always be enabled. 6-2200to7-0500 would enable building damage Friday 2200 to Saturday 0500 You can have as many time ranges as you want.
  3. V2.11.0-beta.2 @Sheepa This version will allow you to flip the schedules. Read the release notes for more information, but it should make what you want to do easier. @Murena This version will allow you to disable deleting the DefaultServerSettings.ini . Just set IniOverwriteFix=no . Also, it will continue to create 15 ServerSetttings.ini backups until final release. When out of beta I will reduce this to 5 backups. A backup is created every time the schedule changes. This is just to be sure I don't accidentally delete someones serversettings.ini while we are testing. The line being removed is what was causing my issues. I look for that line in serversettings.ini . If there is no value there, I use a default value of True. So it's not 100% reliable without that setting to read from. When I delete defaultserversettings.ini that line does not get removed.
  4. @Tanuki It creates a system tray icon while it runs. The icon looks like our webpage fav icon. A small grim reaper or skeleton. Click on it or right click on it and select pause to pause the script. While it flashes between a red X and the icon it is paused and will not continue until you unpause it. You can also use this icon to exit the script.
  5. I had been thinking this might be a problem. The deal is how they decided to write their parameters. One is EnableXX and one is DisableXX. I was trying to use the same function, but I will see if I can use the same with modifications. If not, I can probably rewrite the function.
  6. If you want to disable it set RestartDaily=no If you want just 0400 set HotHour1 - HotHour6=04 Or HotHour1=04 HotHour2-6=no ( or anything other than 00 - 23 )
  7. @Murena Here's a test version that has the defaultini delete disabled. https://gamercide.com/Server_Utilities/Conan/custom/murena.zip
  8. @Murena It won't cause a problem because anytime they add something new I will copy it to serversettings.ini The script checks for the default on every startup. If it exists it will copy any new values to serversettings.ini before deleting the default. Regardless, I'm curious why it is overwriting mine and not yours. I'll modify it today for you to test.
  9. I tried the line breaks on mine, and it didn't work. That's very strange then. Does the CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures=True exist in your defaultserversettings.ini? Anyhow, I will send you a version that doesn't delete it, but it will be late today before I can get to it probably. Out of curiosity, is there any reason you don't want it to delete default? I copy all settings from it to serversettings.ini before deletion, so it doesn't cause issues.
  10. Ok. I see what you're saying. I didn't know the client mods automatically updated. I'll take a look and see what I can do.
  11. @chrazyqc It currently will not auto update mods, but I can certainly look into adding mods to the update. Could you send me a couple of modIDs so i know what format they come in? The hard part will be restarting if only the mod needs an update. If the way the mods are versioned is consistent I can possibly add them to auto restart the server, but I will have to look at a few to find out. Honestly , I'm not sure if it's a good idea to restart and update if Only a mod was changed. If it's not a compatibility change it could add unknown or unwanted effects. In either case I will see if it's possible to add the option. Let me look into it further. I have some family coming up tomorrow so it may be late this weekend before I make any real progress. Plus I still have to finish the latest update. I will respond here when I have something together or know if it will work.
  12. @Murena First, thanks for testing so thoroughly! Backups - I set it to 15 while we were in beta. When I release the non-beta I will lower it to 5. Default INI - Will you try this: Make sure the defaultserversettings.ini exists. Rename a backup if you need to. Then add CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures = True to your serversettings.ini Try to start server without my script and see if it keeps the setting in the file. It only over wrote it when it was True. If that works for you I will send you a version that does not delete default ini to test.
  13. @Murena I backup and delete defaultserversettings.ini This is because the setting in that file over writes serversettings.ini when the game starts.
  14. @Murena @Sheepa This ended up being a LOT more in depth than I thought. haha. Due to some craziness with the game wanting to overwrite ServerSettings with DefaultServerSettings I had to get creative. However, I THINK it is working. Please read the release notes carefully and test it out. Let me know what you think. V2.11.0-beta.1
  15. @Murena @Sheepa I should have a very early test version of this up today or tomorrow. It ended up being a bit more complex than I originally thought. I will need you two to test it out for me if possible when I release the beta. You will be able to enable or disable Avatar schedule and Building Damage schedule If Building Damage Schedule is enabled you will be able to set times for Enabling Building Damage. EnableBuildingDamageTimes=1-2000to2-0300,7-0100to7-1100 The above would enable Building Damage Sunday at 20:00 and disable them Monday at 03:00 and enable them Saturday 01:00 and disable them Saturday 11:00 DisableAvatarTimes=1-2000to2-0300,7-0100to7-1100 The above would Disable Avatars Sunday at 20:00 and Enable them Monday at 03:00 and Disable them Saturday 01:00 and Enable them Saturday 11:00 There is no real limit to the times. Just keep in mind that every change from on to off while the server is running will trigger a restart. Also, these times will all be activated whether the server was running already or not. If you start the server 2 hours in to a scheduled time, it will automatically start the event and end it when normally scheduled. If you have Discord or Twitch enabled it will trigger the restart to happen X minutes from notify time. So, if the event is scheduled for 05:00 and the restart notification time is 5 minutes, the server will restart at 05:05 to enable the event. Same goes for when the event ends. Also, if the notifications are enabled the events will be announced to Twitch or Discord right before the server starts. I will I'll write a more detailed and easier to read instruction when I'm done.
  16. @Murena I haven't thought about it. Honestly, I probably won't change anything. It will be up to the server admin to decide if they still want a separate restart during the raid hours. If it does restart during the raid ON time it will stay ON and then restart again when OFF. I will think on it a bit more and see if there is an alternative. I could have it ignore daily restarts if it's during ON hours.
  17. Thanks. I will add Avatar enable/disable in there as well. I'm thinking of a format like this: @Murena @Sheepa Where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday, and 0 is every day. It's a bit much to type in, but it would allow the most options with ease. So this would turn building damage on Sunday between 15:30 and 18:05, and Tuesday 22:05 to Wednesday 01:00 RaidOn=1-15:30to1-18:05,3-22:05to4-01:00,etc Or for an entire week at the same time: RaidOn=0-18:00to0-22:45 This is the format I'm leaning toward. If it seems to complicated I can make it simpler, but with simplicity comes less choice.
  18. V2.10.0 This release is the tested release to allow multiple Discord webhooks. To announce to more than one channel, simply separate each webhook URL with a comma.
  19. @Murena Yep, all automatic. I will look into tomorrow.
  20. @Murena I will look into it. Enabling and disabling the setting shouldn't be too hard, but I do think you are right. It will require the server to restart to enable and disable it. I would have to add that into the setting. Shut down the server, change the setting, then start it again.
  21. I'm not sure if it requires a restart or not. I'm not very familiar with the concept, but I assume you want to turn on/off "Can Damage Player Owned Structures" ? If that's the case, I think I can make it work.
  22. You're welcome, I'm glad you are enjoying it. It wasn't too hard to implement, so I added the option to a beta release. If you want to try it out and let me know how it works, I will pull it into the master. https://github.com/Dateranoth/ConanExilesServerUtility/releases/tag/2.10.0-beta
  23. @mungi In this case, I would recommend what @PeeKnuckle said. If you create a server channel and anyone playing on it can just sit idle in the channel while actively being anywhere else. Then with TTS on they will hear it. Now, I can add multi Discord announcements, but each owner would have to create a webhook and give it to you to run on your server. If it's something you really want I will see what it will take to add it.
  24. V2.9.1 This release completely changes the way updates checks are handled. It no longer relies on the RSS feed. It will now use SteamCMD to pull the latest version information and compare it to the currently installed version. Should not have anymore issues with update checks.
  25. V2.8.7 NOTIFY MULTIPLE TWITCH CHANNELS BEFORE RESTART! This is the fully tested release for Twitch notifications. It also is confirmed working with update checks. Read the release notes for information on how to set it up. This allows announcement to multiple channels.
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